The objective of this course is to familiarize students with the financial, legal, and strategic issues associated with the corporate restructuring process. I have sent out over 1000 resume’s and have been on 75 interviews, number 76 scheduled for tomorrow. Now, go get a job, restaurants, movies, bowling alleys, unloading at warehouses, anything that pays minimum wage. Shop fine jewelry and shop sears official site watches at sears. Wow, for the guy that says we are lazy and stop milking the system, who the hell are you to come on here and judge us…There are NO jobs, my pride is not to big to take any job that is offered to me. I put in over 35 years of www bad creitloans work and I get 99 weeks. Prerequisites for this course are next to none. It’s a shame I feel I need to lie and say I have only a Ged and basic work experience to maybe get a job at Mcdonalds or where ever. I have sent out thousand of resumes and no one want to hire a 50 year old. This MBA course and registration will be through the MBA Auction.

Our professors offer "Managing Fixed Income Portfolios" course this coming spring. To the morons that say we are lazy because we collect unemployment and cost them money. To those who think the government has given too much….walk www bad creitloans a month in our shoes and then talk to me again. The standard credit rating is also called a FICO Score, named after the Fair Isaacs Corporation who created the standard formula. I wouldn’t sell my house because even though I was approved for 5 million dollar loan, I bought a house for $170k. You the posters are pathetic cowards, sitting there behind your computer screens and your perceived autonomy. I did not get 99 weeks or even the 86 weeks that I was supposed to get in Virginia. Prerequisite for this course IS Fixed Income. The first part of your unemployment was a percentage your eployer paid. The professor will teach one MBA section and one Undergraduate section. So for all of us 99ers, we need this extension to stay afloat and not lose everything else that we haven’t given up yet. For mistakes, you’ll have to let both your creditor and credit agencies know of the problem.

The course will be a survey of the private equity asset class. I had to file bankruptcy to save my www bad creitloans family from living on the streets. WHAT – How narrow www bad creitloans minded can anyone be. I personally am not drawing unemployment because I don’t believe in it. You see signs in the windows offering jobs. The course topics will follow the private equity cycle by studying representative transactions in the U.S., Europe, and emerging markets. Google that and see the nightmare people go thru to get that. I have been getting unemployment since January of 2009 and not able to find a job. The lack of pity, mercy, and morality that I see in some of these posts utterly disgusts me. I know its the age thing for many of us on this post. Oh’ sorry birds didnt mean to offend that has us stuck in the 50′S mentality. Enrollment for this course is by application only

They don’t want to get rich.The employers and the government won’t let you.They want to keep you in the same place or even make it worse for you.No matter how hard you worked.or how lucky you get.Chances are you will never succeed.You my friend,The system is set up so you will have had the chips stacked against you from day one and the stack will get bigger yet.It’s like fight Mike Tyson in his prime or playing basketball against Michael Jordan. You spend literal hours crafting resumes and cover letters to showcase talents you have that are applicable to so many jobs….then you don’t even hear an echo back. Let the big shots in Washington stand in the unemployment line and see how it feels, including you Mr.

I lost my job, car and son within the last 2 years. Apartments for rent with no credit check in greensboro nc, for rent. I am still in a state of disbelief regarding www bad creitloans our country’s current situation. I called the 800 number and was told I am not eligible.

I shouldnt have to have a degree to do a job that I have taught kids with a college degree how to do. I get to keep my house from going into forclosure. To my brother whom I love , I have cleaned homes, helped cleaned stables, worked temp positions for attorneys (who don’t want to pay or hire), done without now with UEB maxed there is no money coming in at all. Now I cant get a job even part time at Wal Mart. We also need more job fairs to be able to meet the employers at one time in person.

To get the very best and pay you nothing … That just keeps pushing every one else further down the totem pole. I just found out, I have exhausted, my ui benifits, havent told wife and kids yet, I have applied faithfully, there is no work in illinois, if congress dont pass extention pass 99 weeks we will be on streets. Peer to peer lending networks, like Lending Club and Prosper, are experiencing tremendous growth. You are commenting using your account. However, some advocacy groups claim that even such a long period of extended benefits may not be enough time for half the number of unemployed to get jobs.

We are the ones who know what’s really going on out here. My husband was in a nursing home for 4 years which cost us his social security and union plus an extra $1,000 a month. If it’s free it’s for me I starting to believe Michael savage this country is run my fools and clowns starting at the top thar idiot is runing the USA with all his fat cat wall st buddies. What difference does it make if it is called unemployment, it is welfare. If you think that master’s degree makes you overqualified to be a WalMart cashier, then don’t mention it on your application.

Employers can look at an employee’s credit score during the application process, though they’re not supposed to deny a job because of it. Most of you who say these things are the lucky ones who have not had to lose a job in a really bad economy. I have lost faith in this great country of our and our elected officials. I have sent out online and via “snail mail” HUNDREDS of resumes…nothing. As the governmnet functions today it seems that all the civilian are getting passed up due to Veterens (RE-employed Annuits) due to tey have served the United States.

When you complete an application on our website your information is securely sent in real time to the loan lenders. If you throw a bad wad, why do I have to pay for your irresponsible pleasure. So if I go to anouther country will I find work. Congress has offered state-sponsored unemployment support for 26 weeks with the choice of reapplying for it to get up to 73 weeks of additional funding. I don’t understand people think that we are lazy but, we are tired of the bs the goverment is dealing us.

We are lazy bums, you are tired of paying for our unemployment benefits, or what ever else you faggots say. Bad Credit Loan Center ™ provides a completely FREE lender matching service. Now I am pissed at the old blind rich morons little men running the senate.

Search our business database free. Its bad when the government can bail out banks and auto manufacturers but cant do anything for us who are jobless. America wake up and provide part time jobs. Thank goodness that the poor and the unemployed exist, if only so that you can feel better about your insignificant lives.

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We are a premier north carolina auction company, with our auction house. So, of course they take the easy way out and continue to collect. This application is to be used for direct most reliable direct loan lenders catering to those on fixed incomes loan and guarantee transactions with. Results of find homes for sale in plano. Let’s face it.I know the whole truth about life and government today.Most of you people were dealt a losing hand from the very get go.They don’t want you to succeed. I’m ready to lie to get a job at Mcdonalds or walmart or waitress job somewhere got to have work.

I have applied for hundreds of jobs along with the millions of other unemployed people. I cant even get a gas station to call me in for an interview and I am at 99 weeks as well. It turns out that measuring our creditworthiness -- how likely we are to repay our debts -- begins with something called a credit rating or credit score. I fear that we may loose everything and mu children and I will have no choice to live on the streets until I finally find work. I am told on a daily basics that we are staffed.

People refused to work for less than what they were used to and coerced Obama into extentions, when he should have refused them to get this economy back on track by putting (forcing) people to look for work. I have spent more hours looking for a job (any job. Those that are able to find a job…God Bless You. We all know we’re going to die, but sometimes we are shocked when we find out someone close to us passes away. Try living a area of two place to work the insurance companies a couple, not hiring, the newspaper not hire, and the hospital, and colledge.

I was laid off from work on May 15th, 2009, and yes I am collecting unemployment, but it runs out Oct 14th of this year. I paid my taxes for better than 25 years before I lost my job in this economic crunch…and I continue to pay taxes on this measly unemployment check. I lost a second income that didn’t www bad creitloans offer UI benefits. If you have a job a good job then your blessed. I have experienced such a frustrating and humiliating job search which includes applying for entry level retail positions of which 4 interviews I went on all pointed to me being over qualified and thus not a viable candidate and that I would likely leave when the market improved as well as searched skilled positions with lowered salary expectations then told that I am under qualified for the position due to my lack of a higher degree despite have 25 years of direct experience.

I even went back to college and got an AS in Business. Tucson apartments for rent find apartments for rent in tucson, arizona on. Sadly, some people I know ended their lives due to not finding a job as well. I am also disgusted about people who would call the unemployed lazy. I am one of those people the congress refers to as a 99er.

When a State doesn’t pay back the Feds money loaned to them for the benefits they’ve paid out, they charge it back and pro-rate the prevous year back to the business and it is added to the FUTA rate paid at the end of the year. I have attempt on numerous occassions for employment. We work with a network of lenders who are committed to helping people with low credit scores get access to much-needed money. It’s depressing and very hard on single parents when there is nowhere to turn. Low rent housing isn’t even taking names for a waiting list.

I can’t believe that you really think that all of the unemployed people are just enjoying themselves. I’m so tired of not working and depressed every single day. You try to plan for things going wrong but sometimes its just more then a person can do. I can’t remember the last time I have had a hair cut.

Check out our directory of private money lenders in new york, who loan private. He has become lazy and it sickens me that he sits on his butt day in and day out. I for one lost a job making over 200k per year and I could not find an equivlent job after searching for 3 months. I’m sick of hearing from people if i work that job i collect just as much from unemployment so why work.

But instead, the nextitager with no work ethic took the job. I have lived in VA for 19 years I lived in Jersey before and had 20yrs of www bad creitloans work there is there a way to get the benefits I never collected there. Sure, there may be a few that take advantage of the system, but the majority out there are truly seeking work, any kind of work. We need benefits to be extended past Dec.

I’m afraid to call UIA because I don’t want to draw attention to myself but at the same time, I know I should ask them out right. And by the way, i know executives who have lied on their resumes to get a job at mcdonalds to support their families. I feel if people are properly trained some of us might also do a good job in congress.

At least extend until the percentage drops to 8% so that way, we know we have a higher chance of getting a job. Also since there is 5.5 people for every job available, I would say it is pretty hard to get a job even if it is for less money. I have so much experience, but for whatever reason, no one will hire me. There needs to be a place all of us who have exhausted our unemployment benefits to go to just get counted so the country really knowws what the REAL unemployment rate is.

I don’t know if it’s because of my bad credit. To “No unemployment extension” …….I guess you must have a job. Sold off everything of value to survive to care for my children and grand children. Hola amigo te comento con facturas de carros baratos en mexico de aceguradora aseguradora es ke pues son autos con.

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I also pay health care out of it, www bad creitloans which cuts it substantially. Why must we be punished for our presidents flaws and economical disaster he has created.

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